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1. A Regardless Welcome 

We believe everyone is welcome to enter the doors of our church building and join our services regardless of who they are

3. A Commitment to the            Word of God

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is therefore our basis for practice and is important in individual devotion life. 

5. An Emphasis on                          Youth and Children 

We believe youth and children are an essential part of our church today and that ministering to them is one of our most important missions. 

2. A Passion for Presence 

We desire to sense, see, and feel the presence of God in our services and throughout our ministry as a body. 

4. A Community of                              Believers 

We are a body of believers intended to be in fellowship and unity, as a true community of spiritual support for each other. 

6. An Arena of Prayer                              Involvement 

Prayer is most important to us, and we intend prayer to be a part of every service and continually provide opportunities to pray weekly. 

7. An Opportunity to Go and Give to Missions 

Missions giving is our tithe as a church, so we constantly give to missions and encourage it among our congregants, as well as seek opportunities to go to the field. 

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