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Church 414 is our monthly Friday night service. This service was launched to reach a younger audience of Millennials and Gen Z. Church 414 is a bit more modern with more upbeat music, louder sound and passionate sermons, but the same Holy Spirit directs the services! Anyeone of any age is welcome but we especially encourage those under 40 years old to attend. We base our name on Ephesians 4:14: so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. We believe we are living in one of the most deceitful times in human history. The enemy of our faith has targeted this generation of young people, Generation Z, and has sought to lead them into falsehood. At Church 414 we seek to help adults not only grow up physically and socially, but to grow up in the faith, no longer tossed to and fro by the many false doctrines the enemy has introduced into the Church and culture. 

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CHURCH 414 meets the first Friday of every month at 6pm at Living Word 
Kicking off CHURCH 414 at
our 2023 Christmas Party
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